Get It Done

Our ready to work Get It Done Crew can take care of the honey-do list that’s been building up at your house! Designed to provide one-on-one support for employees while simultaneously teaching them hard and soft skills needed for long-term employment.

As more and more people walked through the Missoula Works doors seeking employment, there was a higher demand for jobs than we could provide. In brainstorming ways to create and provide more employment opportunities, we had the idea to create an in-house labor crew, and thus, the Get It Done Crew was born.

Our Crew Manager and Crew Leads offer supervision and support to people joining the Get It Done crew. Hard/technical skills are learned through experience and the wide variety of jobs and projects we take on. Soft skills such as punctuality and attendance are taught as people are onboarded to Missoula Works, and supervisors aim to help crew members improve upon these.

By hiring the Get It Done crew to take care of an unfinished project or job at your house, you are helping create and provide not only jobs but also learning opportunities for fellow Missoulians. We appreciate your support immensely!

What the crew does:

  • Spring Cleaning
  • Fall Cleaning
  • Gutter Cleaning
  • Leaf Removal
  • Snow Removal
  • Lawn Care
  • Painting
  • Home Improvement
  • And more!